Thursday, 24 February 2011

It's a great day to start an adventure

So we survived our first night in the van :)

It was cosy, warm, comfortable and already feels like home :). I stirred a couple of times in the night - once for another visit to the portapotty (curse that tea!) and at least once just to revel in the fact I was asleep in my campervan :).

Dragon and Star slept well up in their bunk and we all properly stirred just before 8am and it just felt lovely to open the van curtains and see the world outside while still being snuggled inside my sleeping bag.

We've already shed a few things - the spare blankets and sleeping bags have gone back into my car which we have with us until the weekend when it will go into storage complete with anything stashed inside it. We're getting used to the idea of living in different  spaces - the kids bunk is effectively a storage space during the day and the cab becomes the storage space during the evening / night time.

After a lovely day with family we headed just a mile or two along the road to stay with friends. Dragon and Star's very close friends (and ours too) who live a similar sort of lifestyle to the one we hanker after ; growing their own food and being very much part of the local community. Dragon and Star instantly headed off with their boys and infact are sleeping in the house with them tonight while Ady and I have the van to ourselves. C & B came in the van with us and toasted adventuring with wine and crisps around the little table inside Willow.

Tomorrow we get a taste of WWOOFing joining in with our friends' Volunteer work day where local people come along and join in with growing in exchange for a share of the eventual produce.

Today the sun has shone, we have been outside in T shirts, shared food and stories with friends and family and particularly for Ady the first steps towards being free with no schedule, no time keeping and no pressure have begun. As first day of the rest of your lives go it's been a pretty good one.

This blog post is brought to you by Three who are supplying our internet access by way of a MiFi


  1. great to hear that things have started well!

  2. Bon voyage and thank you for allowing us to 'virtually' travel along with you.

  3. So glad things are going well already, bodes very well for the start of your amazing adventure!
    Love you lots x x x

  4. Hope your second night and all subsequent ones are as good. Happy travelling. I am so interested in what you are doing and will be back! A
