Wednesday 7 November 2012

Compost Loo update

So we didn't hit our target of £2000 for the compost loo :(  We were pledged £800 which was fantastic and is actually halfway to what we needed to raise to get the compost loo here - I had included the extra £400 to cover the cost of buying the wheelie bins required to put beneath the loo to catch the humanure, supplies of loo rolls and antibacterial handwash and various other extras.

I have been approached by various other crowdfunding websites and may think about putting together a pitch for one of them in the future but for now we are going to carry on quietly raising funds to get this project off the ground. Most of the £800 pledged was just that - pledged. This means that as the pitch was not successful no money will be taken from you if you did it through the crowdfunder website. Some people donated via the button the side of this blog though and that money is now held securely in a fund which will be used to fund our compost loo as soon as we have collected together enough money to make it happen. If you pledged funds via the crowdfunder website but would still like to help us please do consider sending money to us via the paypal account using the donate button or this link - all of the promised rewards still hold good and we may well add to them as time goes by.

I have reset the counter on the side to reflect the actual money raised so far - once we hit the £1600 required I will get the compost loo ordered from free range designs and I will of course keep everyone informed of our progress by way of this blog and email updates.

Once again, thanks to everyone who either pledged to donate or actually has already donated - please don't let this set back put you off - we WILL have that loo set up as soon as humanurely possible!


  1. Hello! I didn't donate through the croudfunding website because I didn't want to make an account. Now that I know you're taking donations through PayPal, some pounds are heading your way!

  2. Looking at the design of the loo you wanted it seems to be a hut with a seat over a wheelie bin and a urine separator. Why not build your own? The urine separator is £35 and you can get wheelie bins for about £60 on Amazon. Plenty of pallets about on the islands for free wood. It might not be the prettiest solution but it would start you off campsite-wise until you had the funding to buy a ready made posh one.

    1. You are right, there are much cheaper options available although actually pallets are like gold dust here and certainly not lying around. We priced up a cheap shed (which would required tethering down against the wind and weather proofing and getting here in the first place). I think if we are heading towards spring and camping season next year without having hit our funding level then we will look at building our own.

  3. hi! I just came over to your blog after I read a post of yours regarding WWOOFing. I was wondering how to start woofing in the uk. My husband was sponsored to work there for 3 months. I am going to move with him, but I won't have a job and I have wanted to WWOOF since I met someone who knew someone who had done it. Now is my chance!!! :) Being that you guys did it for so long in the UK, do you have any suggestions for me as to how to set it up? Thanks so much!
