Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The last big hurdle

I've got two letting agents coming round later this afternoon to look at the house. Renting out the house for the year has always been the last and biggest hurdle of the whole plan. It's totally out of our hands and needs to slot into place with very little room for manourvere on timescales or finances. We have an amount of money per monnth which we simply *must* clear in order to pay the mortgage and a couple of other bills / insurances, with any excess making our small monthly income to cover food, petrol, PAYG internet and anything else that crops up. We should have a contingency fund of our last months salaries for any emergencies - either for us or the van or for anything that needs attending to back here at home with the house but there is no real margin for error.

I am fairly relaxed about this as part of the whole adventure is living with as little as possible in the way of 'stuff' or expenses but we do need this most basic cost covered to enable us to leae the house behind and have it to come back to.

In terms of timing it is our intention to leave here at the beginning of March - I have already planned to hand my notice in mid January to leave mid February, Ady is intending handing his notice in at the end of January to leave at the end of February. Our first host is booked from the second week of March leaving us a week to either stay with my parents, or head off for a first week living in the van getting used to our new lives before staying at our first hosts. We do have room to bring things forward if we found a tenant for the house who wanted to come in before the beginning of March - we could leave the house early and we could either stay at my parents or a nearby campsite in the van and carry on working out our notice from there - we have had plenty of offers to stay with friends locally if needs be. If we don't find a tenant in time to leave for that date though we will have to put everything back by a month and leave for the beginning of April - not the end of the world as all our hosts are provisional bookings which need confirming nearer the time so we can shuffle things around but it would be nice to be sticking to our original plan really.

So the house is pretty much ready to go 'on the market'. It's been painted throughout, everything remaining will be used up, stored or brought with us when we go. So I've rung up two different letting agents, have them both coming over this afternoon to get an idea of their services, charges and what sort of price they expect us to make per month at which point we can take the last big step towards finding someone to live in our house and pay the bills while we go off wondering.

A part of me has been reluctant to take this final step and I think there are several reasons for that. It is the sealing of the whole deal in many ways, once we have someone due to actually move in here on a certain date everything else becomes more definite. It all gets very real.

It is also an area almost entirely outside of my control - everything else has been very much managed by me, this is out of my hands and as such makes me twitchy.

It's been so interesting that long before we actually start up the van and head off for our first host we are all already facing fears, taking on challenges and learning so much about ourselves.


  1. Nic, A, D and S (and Willow)!! Thank you for your card and your fantastic news! I'm not very good with this sort of technology, so let's hope I can 'land this baby'. Anyway; this is a wonderful thing you are doing; your children will be so proud of their parents, that they were brave enough to take risks in their lives and throw off the shakles of comfort and routine in the search for something much greater. I've read most of your blogs, and I never wanted to sound like an Estate Agent, but I seem to be mirroring what they have said to you! (by the way, I did have initial reservations of your plans, but these disappeared completely when I realized Woofing had absolutely nothing to do with Dogging). I will knock off now, as I'm not sure how much capacity is available in these posts, but I do have a vague understanding that you can post a reply?? In any case, all the very, very best to you all, and we shall certainly be following your progress!! Our best wishes, Rob and Penny.

  2. Hi Rob & Penny, how fab to hear from you, thanks for commenting. Hope all is well with you, it's been far too long since we last saw you.
    Great to know you are reading and will be 'with us' along the way. I think it's going to be quite some journey, in every sense of the word.
